by helen+
Focus on Family
by helen+

Focus On Family One of the lights lit up on the walls at the Adelaide Fringe Special Story: Lara at the Adelaide Fringe Light at night Tip Of the Week: Stop at pedestrian lights, walk when the lights are RED Client Success With Massage: Calf Pain Features Article: Focus on Family Grandparents with grandchildren […]Continue reading «Focus on Family»
Stress Is Making You Sick
by helen+

Special Story: Lara and Mel meet Glenn Mc Garth at the Cricket Tip Of the Week: Listen to what the other person is saying. Client Success With Massage: Nerve Pain. What is it? Features Article: Positive Thinking: Stress is making you sick Special Story Lara went to the first day of Cricket here in Adelaide, […]Continue reading «Stress Is Making You Sick»
Relationship Break Up!
by helen+

Special Story: Spring is nearly here Tip Of the Week: Listen to what the other person is saying. Client Success With Massage: Shoulder pain Features Article: Relationship Break Ups hard to do and Harder to watch the sadness. Positive Thinking: Making a choice and having an awareness of some Spring nearly hear, I love the fresh […]Continue reading «Relationship Break Up!»
Create The Woman You Want To Be
by helen+

Hello & Welcome Thought Of The Week: For Yourself First Feature: Down on the Beach Feature Article: Out of the Box Thought Of The Week: For Yourself First # Monday Create yourself # Tuesday Love Yourself # Wednesday Be with Yourself # Thursday Give To yourself # Friday Receive to Yourself # […]Continue reading «Create The Woman You Want To Be»

Hello and Welcome Thought Of The Week: It’s almost magical Feature: Communication “Teenagers Problems” Be ready Mum to be Listening and to help them Article: Jaw Pain Thought Of The Week: It’s almost magical & if you focus on it, it will work no matter what the problem is & that is learning to love […]Continue reading «Communication With Your Teenager Children»

Hello Welcome Thought Of The Week: Happy Days everyone Feature: Paris in May 2015, lovely fresh food and a wine Feature Article: Review “what does not work!” How to Stop Hiding OUT Thought Of The Week: Happy Days everyone!! A challenge for you today When you speak to anyone today in your heart. We […]Continue reading «May Newsletter – Are You Hiding Out From Being You!»
Anzac Day 2015
by helen+

Age shall not weary them nor the years condemn, At the going down of the sun and in the morning, We shall remember them” Today we celebrate ANZAC DAY… probably Australia’s most important national occasion. It marks the anniversary of the first major military action fought by Australian and New Zealand forces during the First […]Continue reading «Anzac Day 2015»
March Newsletter- Where Do You Work
by helen+

Where Do You Work and What Effect Does it Have On Your Health and Wellness From the Clinic of Chelsea massage: Feature: What happens when you start to force the body Tips of the week #93: Having a massage is part of the journey of Life Special Day: When you find the real freedom […]Continue reading «March Newsletter- Where Do You Work»

From the desk of Chelsea massage Feature: Dads Home Tips of the week #85: The cricket is here in Adelaide Special Day: Empowering Living Coaching for Women Everyday Issues Massage: Why have pregnancy Massage From the desk at Chelsea Massage: Ideas come from quieten our thoughts and allowing our mind to be still. Start […]Continue reading «February Newsletter- Are you Sabotaging Your Success?»