January Newsletter Families Helping Families Chelsea Massage mobile app We are the Muscle Experts Be with Your Children It is great to be with your children. Some would say at the moment, children saying what ever they like and getting away with what they are saying often nasty and very disrespectful then turning around […]Continue reading «January Newsletter – Families Helping Families»

It's just about that time of the year for the children to go back to school. Here is a quick checklist to help Mums get organized and get back on track! Time to go shopping and get all of the school supplies: Make list of what each child needs If your child is starting school […]Continue reading «It’s Almost Back To School Time!! »
Intro: Message from Helen – Empowering the Family Man (new book) coming soon! Chapter 2: Dad, It is Ok to Really Enjoy Being a Dad Quick Tips: Tip# 30: Do You Have a Stressed Out Teenager? Tip #37: Take the Day Off if You Feel Sick Feature Article: "Are You Watching TV?" Talk About: Pregnancy […]Continue reading «Empowering the Family Man – July Newsletter»

Intro: Message from Helen – Who’s Going on Holiday? Quick Tips: Tip# 36: Hip Pain that Comes from Running on a Treadmill Tip #44: Low Vitamin D from Working Inside Feature Article: “Remedial Massage – Relieve Chronic Pain” Talk About: Pregnancy & Massage – They Say Massage Releases Toxins! Helen Recommends: Helen’s New Book, “Empowering Your Family” – […]Continue reading «Are You Going on Holiday? – June Newsletter»

Intro: Message from Helen – Winter is Back with Some Lovely Rain Quick Tips: Tip# 29: Children Don’t Feel the Cold Like Adults Do Tip #40: Rest is Best to Get Over the Colds and Flu Feature Article: “I Can Tell Who has Regular Massage and Who Doesn’t” Talk About: Pregnancy & Massage – Rib […]Continue reading «Do You Suffer from Muscle Cramps? – May Newsletter»

Intro: Message from Helen – Stepping Forward into 2012 Quick Tips: Tip# 2: Where Does Your Pain Really Come From? Tip #5: What to Do When Negative Thoughts Keep Coming Feature Article: "Do You or a Friend Have Multiple Sclerosis?" Talk About: Pregnancy Massage – Hot, Swollen Feet Helen Recommends: Looking After Your Body […]Continue reading «Where Does Your Pain Come From? – January Newsletter»